Footprint turkey

Footprint turkey craft

Footprint turkey craft

You’ve heard of tracing a kid’s hand to make a Thanksgiving turkey, but how about a footprint? This craft is a great activity for preschoolers as well as a keepsake for parents.

What You Need: White butcher paper or construction paper; nontoxic brown paint; 2 googly eyes; scrap of orange construction paper; 6 colorful feathers; glue; tape; paintbrush; scissors.

How to Make It: Brush paint onto child’s foot (this generally works a little better than having them step in the paint, but that’s fine, too.) Have child step on white paper without wiggling, and then pull off in one motion. Let dry. Cut out foot shape. Glue on googly eyes and orange triangle beak to heel. Attach feathers to back with glue or tape.

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