Paper bag Easter bunny

March 16th, 2008

Easter bunny paper bag
Here’s a quick, fun craft that doubles as a treat holder!
What You Need: 1 paper lunch bag; scissors; yarn; 2 pom poms or cotton balls; black marker; pencil.
How to Make It: Adult uses pencil to draw ear cut-out shape on front and back sides of lunch bag and cut along lines. Use yarn to tie ears together. Child decorates bag with marker and pom poms.

Egg carton bunny basket

March 14th, 2008

egg carton Easter basket
Cut just right, an egg carton cup ends up with perfect “ears” for a tiny bunny Easter basket!
What You Need: egg carton section; scissors; white paint; pink paint; 2 googly eyes; pink pom pom; glue.
How to Make It: Adult cuts egg carton section apart, leaving 2 edges intact in shape of bunny ears. Child paints bunny. After paint dries, glue on eyes and pom pom nose. Fill with candy!

George Washington’s ax

February 17th, 2008

George Washington ax or hatchet
For Presidents’ Day, in honor of the lore involving George Washington and the cherry tree, here’s an ax project. It’s easy; no lie.
What You Need: 1 Popsicle stick (craft stick); yellow construction paper; glue or tape; scissors; black crayon or marker.
How to Make It: Pre-cut or trace ax head shape on yellow construction paper. Kids simply glue or tape middle of ax head to one end of craft stick and (optional) add 2 black dots to simulate screws.

Paper plate Valentine holder

February 13th, 2008

Paper plate Valentine holder heart
Let your preschoolers decorate their own Valentine holders before exchanging Valentines.
What You Need: 2 standard or dessert-size paper plates; stapler; scissors; hole punch; glue; length of red yarn; various construction paper scraps and foam hearts, glitter, etc.
How to Make It: Adult may need to assemble heart, or help the children with it. Fold both plates in half and place one inside the other. Reach in with stapler and staple together in a few places to secure. Use scissors to round edges into heart shape. Punch 2 holes at top and tie one end of yarn in each hole. Set out supplies for kids to glue onto heart!

Popsicle stick Valentine’s Day butterfly

February 12th, 2008

Popsicle stick butterfly
Preschoolers can present their love bug with this cute butterfly on Valentine’s Day. It’s quick and fun, and can double as a bookmark.
What You Need: Popsicle stick (craft stick); 2 medium foam heats and 2 small foam hearts; 2 googly eyes; glue (foam glue works best).
How to Make It: Glue small hearts inside larger one and then glue to Popsicle stick, overlapping slightly. Glue on 2 googly eyes.